All DreamLover Labs products (DreamLover 2000 and ChronoVault) are based on the same permission model.
The permission model is:
Phase 1. Device exploration
- The person who purchased the device ('owner') creates an account on our website (click here to create an account)
- When first using the device the software (download links) prompts the user to select an owner (a user name which must be pre-registered on our website).
- The owner of a device cannot be changed at a later date.
- The owner of a device will first play with the device and familiarize themselves with the features. All features are accessible to the owner.
Phase 2. Setting up remote control (owner loses privileges)
- The owner logs into the DL Lounge
- From the DL Lounge, the owner nagivates to Device permissions > "Assign Ownership". By doing so the
owner elects to assign ownership to another user (the 'controller'). This user must also pre-exist in our system.
- By assigning ownership the owner loses access to the device. The device can now only be operated remotely by the controller.
Phase 3. Remote control session
- To initiate a remote control session, the ChronoVault ('device') must be plugged into the owner's Windows PC or Android phone ('terminal').
The software must be running. The terminal must be connected
to the internet. The software must be connected to our server.
- When these conditions are satisfied, the controller (at a different location) uses a browser (any browser on any OS) to connect to the DL Lounge.
- If the controller has received ownership of the device, the owner's username will be visible, along with a 'Manage' link.
- The controller clicks on the 'manage' link and can now open and close the ChronoVault, as well as set its timer.
Phase 4 (optional). Changes to ownership
- The owner can revoke ownership from the controller. By doing so the controller loses the ability to control the device remotely, and the owner
gains the formerly lost ability to control the device locally.
- Once ownership has been revoked from a controller, it can be assigned to another controller.
Phase 5 (optional). Imposing restrictions on ownership changes
- If the owner so wishes, he may lock himself out of the device completely by preventing any changes to ownership for a set amount of time (up to 180 days).
- This is an option that appears when assigning ownership to the controller.
- It is not possible to revoke ownership during this time period.