2025-02-02 02:38:38 (1068 views) Please do not seek support on the blog as it's largely unmonitored, email us instead.
Furthermore do not put your email on a public forum ever, if you don't want to get inundated with spam...
2025-01-30 07:41:55 (1110 views) Anyone that didn't get the activation email please contact us. System is working again now!
2025-01-19 00:09:49 (1672 views) There is now a product for sale for 30$ that can weld a battery to a tiny metallic strip which is what is used for creating battery packs. Anyone that's had issues with getting replacement batteries from us (due to shipping restrictions) now no longer has to worry about getting a locally sourced battery attached to the connector.
2024-11-29 13:35:22 (3544 views) Our app is 32 bits. Smartphones stopped supporting 32 bits apps.
We are in need of converting our app to 64 bits.
If someone can do this we will trade a full set of our products (Chronovault + DL2K Pro ME).
The app was developed in Android Studio for Android API v19. Contact us by email if you are interested.
2023-12-01 12:26:25 (12033 views) Apparently there was some SMTP configuration missing, please let us know if you are able to register and receive activation emails now
2022-10-05 14:03:39 (22520 views) Has anyone found a reliable supplier for the DL2000 receiver battery pack in the US or elsewhere? Due to courier restrictions we can only send a couple of these at a time and it's very beneficial for users if they can purchase them locally.