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2010-05-18 23:47:11 (4507 views) May 18th, 2010: the date the first Male Management Company was created. Write that on the history books! Or better, on Wikipedia.
We're waiting for official documentation and we will then proceed to open our corporate bank account. With that done we will apply for payment processing. THEN we will finally be able to operate our business.
In the meanwhile, we've finished hand routing the hardest circuit board EVER. The new remote control is so tightly packed with integrated circuits you can't really see what color it is underneath (except for the keys area). And of course automatic routing doesn't work. We're still using 2 layers, but this is the maximum we can pack this way. Any further addition and we'll have to switch to multiple layer boards.
All this circuitry is for charging the battery from the USB port, something that is quite tricky due to the lithium polymer technology, the need to monitor its absorption and temperature, etc.
Today we will check this design to ensure:
- the ground plane is optimal
- components are spaced properly for machine assembly
- no chance for short circuits if tiny manufacturing defects occur
- and more
we know what to look for now and what can go wrong... we hope to submit this to the PCB house by tomorrow and have some prototypes within 1 week.
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