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2010-05-04 22:41:30 (5523 views) Very busy working on a number of fronts, but stay tuned for an important progress announcement coming up within 24-48 hours.
Also today a CAD file will be sent for the final prototypes before making the plastic molds. Since they offer spray painting services, this is a good time to think seriously about the color and look of the device. Silver, sci-fi look? Or black? Mirror or matte finish? Possibilities abound.
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Just a suggestion though. Most any color would be fine. I'd think that the mirror finishes would scratch and dull easier, but don't know that for sure.
A thought that just came to mind though is toxic paint. We've all heard about Chinese made toys containing lead etc. Don't let them use anything toxic.
Also, you're totally right with the safety of the materials.