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2010-04-13 05:20:06 (4050 views) Finally all the precision work and double digit checking is starting to pay off. A bit of good news every day, and everything smoothly falling into place.
- The payment processor seems confident we can do this. We are proceeding with incorporation.
- Cable samples from two companies should arrive tomorrow - so the factory trip could happen tomorrow or the day after and we intend on leaving there with a working surprise to demo. We should also leave there with new grommets and a 100% waterproofed DL2000.
- PCB house step 1 cleared, it seems they are legit. Next step is to order some components through them, do some units with their machines, and verify their duty fee refund process. This may happen the same day as the other factory visit if the surprise mold doesn't take all day like last time.
- Remote control battery samples with the right cable length have arrived. Batteries will likely not be a problem.
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