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2015-10-22 17:31:02 (43262 views) So our previous developer did a lot of work and it was good too, but in the end left us stranded with an unfinished application and is not replying to emails.
Therefore we'd like to find another developer who wishes to complete our new Android application for controlling the DreamLover 2000 and ChronoVault in exchange for our whole product set - DL2000 Pro Mobile Edition + the ChronoVault + free shipping, total value 2500 USD.
Currently there are some small graphical glitches which may require re-saving icons from our original files, as well as some drawing logic to make this display well on tablets and mobiles alike. Stuff related to Linear Layout, and image scaling.
Finally there are just a couple of server queries (such as the function to register an owner) which haven't been implemented.
It's probably 10% of the total work or less, but we're still willing to trade the whole product set because we only put out quality material and we want to be able to be picky and get this tweaked until it looks awesome.
Please submit samples of your work so we know you are qualified, our email is just info @ .
PS: The project files can be opened with Eclipse.
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