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2013-10-04 03:05:59 (16348 views) Others may be confused about this so we decided to answer on the blog:
"I'm confused regarding "use" of the DL2K-Uplink Android USB device and app.
If the Receiver is within range of the Remote, signals are received without the wearer having to do anything. Likewise, if he's within range of a DL2K-LINK equipped PC (with the PC on and the DL Lounge opened). What's unclear is his involvement when the Receiver's data channel is SMS or the Internet.
Illustration: the wearer is outside his residence with an Android phone (or tablet) in his pocket (attached to the DL2K-UPLINK transmitter). If the phone receives a voice call, there's a ring tone. If there's a text, he hears an audible ping. Whether he chooses to take-out the phone and respond to either signal is optional. What's unclear is what happens when an SMS is sent targeting the Receiver? What happens if the signal is sent via the Internet (Wi-Fi)?"
- Remote control to receiver. A button is pushed. A message is sent by proprietary radio protocol (new users, get familiarized with this first before you try any of the hard stuff!)
- Local PC to receiver (operated from a laptop PC with a DL2K-LINK plugged in, which means the controlling user is pushing a button on the configuration screen from the DL Uplink application, not a very useful scenario, aside from testing all the features). A button is pushed, a message is sent by proprietary radio protocol
- Remote PC to receiver (through the internet, and a local PC). The controlling user sends a message through a browser (any platform, no special hardware or software required), and the message is stored on our server. The wearer of the DreamLover 2000 receiver is near a PC which is connected to the internet, running the DL Uplink application, and has a DL2K-LINK plugged in. Every second or so the DL Uplink application queries our server, and if it finds a message it delivers it by radio to the receiver.
- Remote PC to receiver (through the internet, and a local smartphone). Mobile Edition only. The controlling user sends a message through a browser, and the message is stored on our server. The wearer of the DreamLover 2000 receiver is near an Android smartphone with USB Host capabilities, and the DL Uplink app is running, and the DL2K-LINK is plugged into the smart phone with a USB OTG cable, and the phone itself has connectivity (via wi-fi hotspot or mobile data). Every second or so the app queries our server, and if it finds a message it delivers it by radio to the receiver.
- SMS to receiver. Mobile Edition only. In this case the controlling user sends an SMS (from any phone at all, or skype). The wearer of the DreamLover 2000 receiver is near an Android smartphone (wearer's phone) with USB Host capabilities, and the DL Uplink app is running, and the DL2K-LINK is plugged into the wearer's phone with a USB OTG cable. The wearer's phone does not need any connectivity other than the ability to receive SMS messages through the phone network. When an SMS is received containing the proper code (and from a recognized controlling user's phone number which the wearer selects ahead of time), the message is delivered by radio to the DreamLover 2000 receiver.
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Can you please give me an advise if I need some more settings in my phone or in the DL devices or whatever might be the solution.
Thanks for your support.
Best regards from Germany