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2011-06-12 02:43:24 (10518 views) DreamLover Laboratories is currently scouting for a few Male Training Therapists, obedience oriented personal trainers, and Male Training Coaches.
- Female
- Passion for Male Training and education
- Ability to guide the male through a process of learning and self-improvement and develop his obedience muscles.
- Basic website navigation and IM skills
- Ability to go through a brief tutorial to learn how to operate our Male Management panel
The role involves coaching and monitoring remote DreamLover 2000 users who sign up for this service, and administering positive and negative feedback (as the case requires and as the trainer sees fit).
This position is part-time, does not involve a minimum time commitment, and you can work your own hours. The offer involves compensation.
If interested, please inquire within.
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