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2011-03-09 10:12:41 (4900 views) We've been getting inquiries from all over the place. It's not easy. We don't know what the radio regulations in the south pole contested areas between France and the Netherlands are :)
It's really true to say: wherever there are male obedience issues you will find a DreamLover 2000! Hey that's pretty much everywhere...
Alright seriously, we've done a fair bit of research.
We're opening up ordering for one unit to Canada and one to Australia.
If it goes through customs we'll allow all other orders from that area.
If it doesn't we'll refund your purchase price and try to get them to ship back the product.
This is probably faster than trying to call up ACMA, Standards Australia, testing labs, Industry Canada, wireless device manufacturers, border control etc. like we've done today. They don't even know. Those bureaucrats badly need a Penis Slap Amplifier!
(to keep track of the rules they make up as they go along)
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