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2010-09-19 09:17:00 (6069 views) Today the last remaining bits of the firmware were completed.
1. The remote control firmware can now be reprogrammed just like the receiver's and the DL2K-LINK's, ensuring maximum flexibility for tweaks and updates in the future. We will continue to polish the firmware until the release date.
2. The last firmware feature was implemented: silent commands. Silent commands are vibration patterns (sort of like morse code but more precisely like a monotonal melody) used for communication with the wearer. There are a total of 9 possible patterns. They can be manually, programmatically or automatically activated. Automatic activation for now is only used when the receiver enters canine mode - this gives the wearer a necessary advance notice that this mode is being entered. Manual/programmatic activation of the other 8 commands is triggered with the remote control or DL2K-LINK.
Silent command codes require some learning; for this reason they will be integrated with our courses. Negative/positive feedback e-learning should allow quick memorization of these simple patterns. Both the pattern and the corresponding meaning will have a default (for now only patterns have been decided) but they will be easy to customize.
When will manual/programmatic activation be useful? For instance:
- speech is impossible (due to distance or for privacy reasons) or undesirable (full robotic control of the male wearer is finally possible)
- DL2K-LINK is used to issue timed commands (think of it as "task manager" for your male)
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