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2010-09-14 10:18:52 (6067 views) Some might say this product took longer than a pyramid to build...
But the question that drives us is, was Cleopatra into Male Training? Well she very probably would have been had she been blessed with push-button male management products by DreamLover Labs, in particular this pharaonic "Cleopatra" model DL2000.
First of all admire this gold model in all its glory... (click to enlarge)
Then observe how the three dimensional features on the receiver prevent paint from properly settling along the edges, which lets the LED light shine right through those edges in a unique and beautiful way. The opaque corners "come alive" with light when the LED is activated, symbolizing the terrible curse cast upon all transgressors! (click to enlarge)
(more pictures follow)
The DL2K-LINK...
The off road model...
And an experimental "Lamborghini" model...
(the receiver is spray painted outside and inside, and due to the thinner paint along the corners the translucency effect is quite unique)
If you're wondering what happened here, we just got frustrated with the manufacturer saying he's only got black and silver paint, and went out to buy spray paint cans and do what we could no longer wait for... trying all color combinations...
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