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2010-08-27 09:24:57 (7499 views) @ China airport: the main scanner (the one you walk through) did NOT pick it up; the hand scanner beeped briefly (like it sometimes does for belt buckles) but the passenger was able to board with no problems. Will update soon from Seoul airport.
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One point: the metal scanners at airports have a sensitivity setting. It can vary from one airport to another, and it is typically changed depending on circumstances. In the US, when the DHS increases the threat level, the TSA typically changes the sensitivity settings, I believe.
On a single business trip in the US, with no known threat level changes, I've had articles of clothing (shoes, belt buckles) go through security fine without setting off the metal detector's beep at my departure airport, but then on my return trip I will set off the detector's beep wearing the same items.