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2010-07-26 02:02:12 (6130 views) We've received a longer than normal elastic band sample. This prompted some testing. It seems a "body band" would be more valuable than a mere waist band for our product. Some styles are shown below:
Worn under clothes, the waist style is the simplest and most comfortable. Other styles are a lot more attractive when clothes are not worn.
The body band, when tightened, pulls the chastity device towards the pelvis for increased comfort, security and visual appeal. This enhances contact with the electrodes and the arousal inducer optimizing their functionality.
Ensuring the cage pushes nicely against the penis at all times has other beneficial effects: it helps the male remain aware that he is "on duty", enhancing his posture and quality of service.
The sample we tested is very comfortable and it's made of thick fabric which can expand to 200% its original size.
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I think it would be a GREAT idea.