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2010-05-26 23:48:17 (7304 views) Jason's off to northern China until next week. He says he's taking classes on Confucianism! Are we supposed to believe that? As if they didn't have classes in this whole province of China :)
Confucius is pretty popular here... it's like saying one is away to New Mexico to buy some cigarettes :)
We think he's got a girlfriend!
Regardless, tomorrow we're on our own with Mr Tang and the welded motors. We only have 5 samples of the motor + metallic support assembly. If that fails we'll need to go through several steps again (order metal bits, re-laser weld metal bits, find new rubber supplier, retest).
So we HOPE that he'll get it right and not break the motors!!!
We need everyone all over the world to keep their fingers crossed starting 24 hours from now and for a duration of 8 hours or so. Call it a moment of support. A DreamLover spiritual retreat.
Just pray and focus all your quantum entangledness into moving the silicone polymer strands in the right spots so we can be done with it and start mass producing the arousal inducer.
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