Operant conditioning and the application of aversive stimuli
(by Tomomi Kumakura, PhD, Scientific Advisor for DreamLover Laboratories)
Male chastity devices have gained substantial popularity1 among progressive women, who feel comfortable in their liberated role and
desire to exercise more complete ownership of their male.
Increasingly, women in all walks of life are discovering the benefits
of increased authority over their boyfriends, colleagues or "orbiters". Male chastity devices are an example of positive reinforcement and
negative punishment based training:
they enable the keyholder to grant or withdraw from a male the ability to have an orgasm - his ultimate reinforcement.
However, chastity alone is only part of a complete male management program, as it does not provide the ability to
administer positive punishment and negative reinforcement.
Four contexts of operant conditioning
The four procedures commonly involved in training and behavior modification are:
- Negative punishment (also called "Punishment
by contingent withdrawal") occurs when a behavior
(response) is followed by the removal of a
favorable stimulus, such as taking away a child's
toy following an undesired behavior, resulting in
a decrease in that behavior. Example: extending the chastity period upon an infraction, or withdrawing some rights.
- Positive reinforcement occurs when a behavior
(response) is followed by a favorable stimulus
that increases the frequency of that behavior. Example: giving your male a convenient outlet for his sexual energy.
- Positive punishment (also called "Punishment
by contingent stimulation") occurs when a
behavior (response) is followed by an aversive
stimulus. Example: ordinary male beating; or, administering a brief, painful but harmless electric pulse.
- Negative reinforcement occurs when a behavior
(response) is followed by the removal of an
aversive stimulus, thereby increasing that behavior's frequency.
Example: introducing a longer delay to an existing automated, brief, painful but harmless electric pulse cycle2, 3.
While techniques 1 and 2 can be implemented with a simple male chastity regimen, 3 and 4 require the ability to apply an aversive stimulus.
Application of aversive stimuli
Traditionally, negative stimuli have been applied physically (beating). But the the frequent beating of your male -
although widespread and effective - presents some inconveniences:
- the time and energy required (especially if proper tools are not available)
- the lack of immediacy when circumstances temporarily prevent application of the stimulus
While positive reinforcement benefits from a degree of randomness and uncertainty4,
positive punishment depends on fixed, immutable rules underlying the application of stimuli - and it is the consistency and speed of application
that determines how strong the association will be. But if the stimulus cannot be applied quickly it loses much of its effectiveness. This scenario
often occurs out of the home, at the work place or during public meetings, when knowledge that the negative stimulus cannot be immediately applied
encourages a male's misconduct. Delayed discipline
disrupts the action-reaction mechanism which is necessary in order for training to work its magic on the neural circuitry and modify behavior.
Similar disruptions occur when circumstances would permit punishment, but the required energy is simply not available: punishment is postponed
(perhaps forgotten), with very negative effects.
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Dangers of inconsistent discipline
Research and anecdotal evidence reveal that
when women neglect punishing their male for an infraction of known rules they unwillingly reinforce his habit of misbehaving when low energy level is detected.
By doing so, they not only fail to apply positive punishment, but they are actually providing "negative reinforcement" to reward the male's disobedience,
thereby undoing previous training.
"Most complaints of unwanted or uppity behavior are actually caused by inconsistent enforcement of rules and skipped punishments"
Sometimes foregoing punishment is interpreted by the male as "lack of care" or attention, which prompts him to misbehave again with more boldness, in the
attempt to regain your interest. This is a situation which can escalate into a dangerous loop of dissatisfaction breeding more misconduct causing more
aggravation and loss of interest. Most complaints of unwanted or uppity behavior are actually caused by inconsistent enforcement of rules and skipped punishments.
For these reasons we believe that most women would greatly benefit from a quick, easy, hassle-free way of applying negative stimuli with push-button ease for
the training of their male.
Professional women who are occupied with their career are excited about being able to enforce consistent discipline with minimal effort.
Women who were previously unhappy with their husbands' manners at social occasions have now found that "stealth" punishment offers the possibility
of helping their overcome his compliance issues. They are now thrilled to receive from their partner the
highly deferential treatment he previously only offered inside the home, for fear of being seen as "pussy-whipped".
Punishment technique | Energy expenditure | Effectiveness | Requirements |
Icy stare
 | None, but affects your mood | Low | Visual contact |
Face slap
 | Some | Makes a point | Physical proximity. Privacy, depending on context |
Corporal punishment
 | High | High | Privacy (for most), tools, time |
DreamLover products
 | None | High | None - carried out in any context, silently; visual contact or proximity unnecessary |
DreamLover series products are ideal positive punishment and negative reinforcement tools, allowing you to attend to your male's training needs anywhere and without effort, thereby
greatly increasing his training regimen's effectiveness.
For more details on DreamLover Laboratories' product line please visit the products page.
- Danielle Egan, Lock-Up: Chastity Belts Are on the 'Incline'
- Edward T. Gardner and Paul Lewis, Negative reinforcement with shock-frequency increase, J Exp Anal Behav. 1976 January; 25(1): 3-14.
- Hineline, Philip N. Negative reinforcement without shock reduction. J Exp Anal Behav. 1970 Nov;14(3):259-268
- (the work of Skinner, B.F. on variable positive reinforcement ratios)