Advanced Identity Reframing: when emasculation becomes a necessity (part 1)
(by Susanne Liu, M.D., for DreamLover Laboratories)
Today I would like to talk about an advanced Identity Reframing technique. Basic knowledge of IR is required and will be assumed throughout this essay.
Sexual Identity
"A male's sexual identity is actually a very inconvenient thing when you realize that males sometimes misbehave because they feel they must act manly."
As you know, Identity Reframing requires direct modification of a male's self-image. One of the most important components of this self-image is a male's
sexual identity. Therefore, its systematic attack has long been a subject of discussion within women's rights circles and the male training community.
It is widely believed that every male will experience at least one plateau along his training, and that the majority of plateaus are actually caused
by a conflict between desired behavior and a male's sexual identity. A male's sexual identity is actually a very inconvenient
thing when you realize that males sometimes misbehave because they feel they must act manly.
Ordinary IR techniques such as "redefining manly", or trying to associate manly to more obedient behaviors, are of course to be tried before attempting something
as drastic as what we will discuss here - however, these do not always work because there are cultural
stereotypes at play that are very well anchored in a male's psyche. So when "manly" cannot be redefined to mean "obedient", then we are left with only one
option: that of revoking his manhood altogether.
Revoking his manhood
By "revoking a male's manhood" we refer to the process of detaching male gender stereotypes from his conception of self. The male must
cease to think of himself as "manly", in order to avoid cognitive dissonance from interfering with his training.
The male must be led, symbolically and practically, through a "point of no return": he must be made to do things that are undeniable, and yet completely
incompatible with manhood and manliness. The process must - of course - be gradual, in order to minimize resistance.
Only two methods have been discovered so far that completely and unequivocally negate manhood: long-term chastity and sodomy.
Short vs long-term chastity
Although most believe that long-term chastity is simply an extension of a regular, short-term chastity regime this is very
far from reality. Let's examine both:
Short-term chastity simply increases seminal fluid volume in a male's testicles, seminal vesicles and sperm ducts, and by doing so greatly increases the male's sexual desire.
Then, when the urge becomes overwhelming, a skilled trainer can exploit her feminine charms to extract any promise or required behavior (willful
participation). IR techniques take short-term chastity further, by teaching the male to associate his sexual desire to obedience; here the male
is actively pursuing servitude as the only allowed sexual outlet.
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