Gooooooood moorniiiiiing internet! And welcome to the latest DL2000 update! As you probably know, if you're among the thousands now following the latest trends in Male Management technology on these pages, yesterday was the Big Day for the DreamLover team at the EMC testing lab! You've got the video - but now you want the full report in all its gory detail? Read on...
The current boot sequence, including firmware download and learn mode.
Learn mode is used to instruct the receiver to listen to commands from certain transmitters only. For instance, learn mode can be used to instruct the DL2000 receiver to listen to commands from two different remote controls. DL2K-LINK units also have a unique ID.
No action is required to enter normal mode: normal device operation starts automatically within a few seconds.
Wednesday is the real deal! The place is far away so we'll have to spend a night at a nearby hotel to be at the lab by 9am on this critical day. We'll pack bags full of components so that we can make circuit modifications on the fly, if it's necessary in order to pass the different tests the DL2000 will undergo. We previously went through some brief pre-testing (as documented in the video) so we're 99% sure we'll pass - however if we don't we'll be set back by a few grands and potentially a few weeks as we produce new PCBs and what not. So, we're still keeping our fingers crossed, especially since the bus we have to take is number 666!
We're glad to announce that even first world metal detectors (Seoul, Korea) did NOT pick up the receiver.
This time the receiver went through the "door" type metal detector without metallic electrodes. Hand scanners were not used.
Metallic electrodes were NOT attached to the device for this test (though the metallic PCB, cables and ring terminals were included). The reason for this is that we wanted to first ascertain whether the main components will set off the detectors.
The electrodes are the bulkiest metallic part, but if they are problematic they are entirely replaceable. Next time we will mount the electrodes too and try again.
The timer mode functionality has changed in the new incarnation of the remote control.
Instead of requiring an inordinate number of clicks to each time enter the interval and strength, the timer parameters are configured via the DL2K-LINK and the remote just activates three distinct cycles with key combinations TIMER+1, TIMER+2, TIMER+3 (where 1, 2 and 3 are the buttons with the dots).
Here we're asking your feedback on what ought to be the default parameters for these settings. Each timer mode can have an intensity, an interval and a count (total activations). We're especially interested in female opinions, for obvious reasons. Keep in mind that the "low" pulse is just a notch above barely noticeable, "medium" is "ouchy" and "high" is a definite "OUCH". Both medium and high levels are strong enough to make it difficult to voluntarily press the buttons for "testing purposes".
The maximum interval is 9 hrs, the minimum 0.5 seconds. Interval resolution is 0.5 seconds. The timer is not terribly precise due to the need for microprocessor sleep time to save battery - therefore it's more like 487 milliseconds but it varies somewhat from part to part. So don't throw away your Rolex just yet.
The final word to you. These will be default settings, that you can change with the DL2K-LINK, and you will be able to upload and download your named male punishment cycle presets to share your creations.