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2010-04-09 11:05:17 (3057 views) They guarantee they can oversee import/export procedures, and we have copies of their import/export certification documents. The company name is different so we did some background checks. Their address and the owner's name are identical, so they should be legit.
Seems they are qualified to do this process for sure, the only thing is that the "old guy" (so they call him) who used to do this process is no longer with them - so they're trying to figure out what the process is. They haven't given us a price for the assembly work, either - the issue here more than bargaining on the price is to convince them to program the machines to do a small run... we absolutely need to start selling some units to get bootstrapped.
The main aggravation right now is that lots of stuff is on hold.
- Custom produced cable samples going to the factory for overmold test: waiting
- Incorporation lady on holiday until the 19th: waiting
- PCB house trying to figure out how to do duty refund: waiting
- Need to do one last prototype of the remote but the CNC guy is on honeymoon: waiting
- Our legal helper's sister is at the hospital: more stuff on hold
And, the weekend is coming up.
Looking at the big picture though, we're proceeding at full sail. This week was very productive in terms of certifications and perhaps being able to launch in Europe sooner rather than later.
We also heard from the aerospace conductive rubber guy David. Just a couple days ago he sent some diagram showing a clever way to connect wires to the strip. This time he says he's made a mold to show his idea for cable attachment. A mold?? We didn't ask him for any mold. He said it's at his expense to show his "sincerity". He seems to be very motivated for some reason. That's quite suspicious since most vendors aren't really excited to sell us a few hundred pieces of anything. Maybe he's just having fun doing something interesting for a change (he knows what kind of "rocket" the strips are used for, as he was sent the same link we posted here with the conductive strips on the e-stim device).
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