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2012-03-15 14:31:57 (10838 views) The latest version of the DL Uplink - the application used to control DreamLover Labs devices and connect with the Male Management screens - will be uploaded shortly. v1.4.6 includes a new beta feature, subliminal programming.
As you can see this simple add-on allows setting a number of words or short phrases, to encourage a male to internalize the importance of domestic hygiene, and facilitate sexualization of desirable behaviors.
The text appears on top of other windows without interfering with mouse or keyboard functions, even when the DL Uplink is minimized.
Aside from subliminal priming, because the text can be made into a transparent overlay, it is possible to set the stimulus duration to seconds (as opposed to milliseconds), to keep the words/phrases on the screen longer as one goes about daily work.
Subliminal programming is intended to supplement the conceptual level learning offered by the DreamLover Male Management courses.
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