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2010-03-17 03:02:36 (2234 views) How is that possible? Well, we've fled the 1st world and are now living in mainland China! More on that later.
Regarding the rubber parts, here's the deal. First of all when you make grommets you have to make sure the tip can fit in the hole. Otherwise it's just very very hard to put the grommet in. We've got a 5.3mm radius on the grommet's edge and a 4.75mm hole, this won't work, it took half an hour to get this thing through the hole!
Now, the other issue is that the o-ring groove is too small. The o-ring gets compressed as it is fit into this groove, and as a consequence it becomes longer (and no longer fits!!)
The screw shoulders work fine.
However the screws themselves are too thick.
The "star" part which presses against the ring terminal is fine.
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